Friday, July 27, 2018

Max Payne 2 Compressed File (.rar) Full PC Game

Note: This is compressed (zip) file. Download all parts and then extract. (Using WinRAR)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a third-person shooter video game developed by Remedy Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and Rockstar Vienna for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 and published by Rockstar Games. The game is a sequel to Max Payne and is followed by Max Payne 3.
It was released for Microsoft Windows on October 15, 2003, for Xbox on November 25, 2003, and for the PlayStation 2 on December 2, 2003.

In Max Payne 2, the player controls Max Payne, a former DEA agent for the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and a fugitive framed for murder of his best friend by the corrupted agent, B.B., in New York City during the events of Max Payne. Two years after the events of the first game, Max has cleared his name and is now an NYPD detective. He reunites with Mona Sax, whom he met in the previous game, as they set out to resolve a conspiracy of death and betrayal, finding the Inner Circle in the center of it all.
Video game critics gave Max Payne 2 highly acclaimed reviews. Praise focused on its action and story, while criticism targeted its short length. Despite the positive reception, the game sold poorly, leading Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two Interactive to cite Max Payne 2's sales as a cause for the company's reforecast finances of 2004. Max Payne 2 received several industry awards, including Outstanding Art Direction at the Golden Satellite Awards 2004, and Editors' Choice Awards from GamePro, IGN, and GameSpy.


As with the first game, Max Payne 2's story begins in medias res.
As Max Payne is taken by the police, he looks at Senator Woden, who assures him that he will be fine, as NYPD Chief Inspector Jim Bravura brings him in the car.
The story of the game begins with Max in a hospital, severely injured. Upon being released he is attacked by an assassin and in the process Bravura is shot. Max escapes into a room where he finds the dead body of Valerie Winterson.
The game goes back to the beginning of the story, picking up where the previous game left off. In court, Payne is charged with multiple homicides, including the death of another detective (Alex), and mayhem. He is cleared of the charges when it is proven he did not kill Alex, and the other homicides are cleared on Senator Woden's requests (who had promised Max he would do so.) Max, now free, leaves the DEA, and resumes his job as an NYPD detective.
Two years later, Max is investigating a series of murders by a group of contract killers known as the Cleaners. Max encounters Mona Sax, who was assumed dead. Wanted for the murder of Senator Gates, Mona is arrested and taken to the police station, despite Max's protests. At the station, Max overhears his new partner, Detective Valerie Winterson, speaking on the phone about Mona. The station is attacked by the Cleaners, who are pursuing Mona. Before they reach her, Mona breaks out of her cell and manages to escape the station. Max meets Mona at her residence, where they fight off the Cleaners who had followed him. They then begin hunting down the people responsible for the attack.
Their search leads them to a construction site, where Max and Mona defend themselves against the Cleaners. After their foes flee, Detective Winterson arrives and holds Mona at gunpoint. Mona claims that Winterson is there to kill her while Winterson claims that she is merely trying to arrest a fleeing fugitive. After several moments of consideration, Max shoots Winterson, allowing Mona to escape. Before she dies, Winterson shoots Max, leading to his hospitalization.
The game then resumes from the beginning where he was standing beside the body of Winterson. After Max escapes an attack on hospital perpetrated by the Cleaners, he begins looking for answers. Later, he is kidnapped by Vladimir Lem, head of the local Russian Mafia with whom he entered alliance years ago. Max learns that the Cleaners work for Lem, who uses them to eliminate the competition to his businesses. Max also learns that Lem is part of a secret organization known as the Inner Circle. Lem plans to kill Woden and gain control of the Inner Circle. Max then learns that Mona is a hired gun for Woden, who has been given orders to kill both Lem and Max. After Lem reveals that Detective Winterson was Lem's mistress, he shoots Max and leaves him for dead. Mona rescues Max and together they go to Woden's mansion to save him from Lem.
After infiltrating the mansion, Mona knocks Max to the ground in an attempt to follow her orders to kill him, but discovers that her feelings for him keep her from doing so. After realizing that Mona will not kill Max, Lem emerges from hiding and shoots her. Woden then comes out of the house's panic room in a wheelchair (his paralyzation stemming from a gunshot wound he endured in the previous game), and lunges at Lem, only to be killed in the ensuing struggle. Max and Lem battle until Lem triggers a bomb that he planted in the mansion. After they both drop to the floor below, Max pursues Lem through the mansion. Max faces Lem in a firefight and eventually destabilizes the platform below Lem, causing it to fall to the floor below and kill him. Max returns to Mona's side as the police arrive, and she dies in his arms. In an alternative ending, upon finishing the game in the highest difficulty level, Mona survives.


Max Payne 2 is a third-person shooter, in which the player assumes the role of Max Payne, but also plays as Mona Sax in a few levels. Initially, the player's only weapon is a 9mm pistol. As they progress, players access other weapons including handguns, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and hand-thrown weapons. To move the game along, the player is told what the next objective is through Max's internal monologue, in which Max iterates what his next steps should be.

When first played, the game only offers one difficulty level that is adjusted on the fly if the game is too difficult for the player. For example, if the player's character dies too many times, the enemies' artificial intelligence is made less effective, while more health in the form of painkillers is made available. After completing the game once, other difficulty levels are unlocked. Two special game modes are also activated: New York Minute and Dead Man Walking. In New York Minute, the player is given a score based on the time taken to complete each level. The Dead Man Walking mode places Max in one of five scenarios, in which he must survive for as long as possible while fighting off endlessly respawning enemies.

Max Payne 2 allows the player to enable Bullet Time, a mode that slows time, while still allowing the player to aim in real-time, to give the player more time to determine what they want to do. In this mode, the screen's color changes to a sepia tone to act as a visual cue. When in use, the Bullet Time meter will decrease until it is either empty or the player disables Bullet Time mode. The meter will eventually increase when not in use, but can be replenished quickly by killing enemies. To simulate the Bullet Time effect, Max can also execute a shoot-dodge maneuver. When the maneuver is performed, Max jumps in a direction specified by the player, and although Bullet Time is activated while Max is in mid-air, this will not deplete the Bullet Time meter. The combat system has been improved for Max Payne 2; the player can now arm Max with a secondary weapon such as a grenade or Molotov cocktail, and when near an enemy, Max can perform a melee attack. AI players occasionally come to Max's aid, although their death does not affect the gameplay or story.
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